Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Little Carnivore

After 18 months, the bone broths have finally allowed me the small chance to do a little breathing and reflecting. What a wonderful feeling to 'come up for air', even if it is short lived! I am amazingly aware of the amount of answered prayers we have had, and people who have responded to our needs without asking for so much as a thank you in return. It has been a truly humbling experience for me, and continues to be. Not long ago I felt God reprimanding me and saying I needed to make our needs more transparent, so I started a running list of things we are researching and in need of. That was hard! But as a result we have been blessed even more, and the hardest part has been not feeling the incredible push to repay somehow.

Thank you to those of you who have gone out on a limb to offer buckets, and juicers, and peach trees. Those of you who have purchased Pampered Chef to help with my kitchen needs and who have made me aware of local resources and sent notes of encouragement. And thank you to those of you who have prayed.

Though we are never guaranteed when or how God will answer, He is faithful in His promises and He DOES answer. And though I am not certain what the future still holds for Ellie, or how big her safe food list will ever be, I am certain that we have entered a new stage. Is it a new stage of healing? Perhaps. Or is it just a new stage with mommy doing more letting go and letting God? Perhaps. What I do know is that my little carnivore is being taken care of, and there is nothing in the world that makes me happier.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not ONE of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the hairs on your head are numbered! So do NOT be afraid; you are worth more than sparrows! Matthew 10:29-31

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