Thursday, June 9, 2011

More Than Poo

Did you take a picture of that poo? What did it look like? What do you think of this poo? What was the smell? Did it burn her? Did you file it? Make notes on the fridge. Was there mucous? oooooh the life of FPIES. You get the top half (vomit) and the bottom half (poop). And the joke among moms of PI kids is that we have poop portfolios. We take them to the doctor with us. We compare. We use them to guide food choices for our kids. We become obsessed!

And I am having trouble shaking the obsession. There. I said it! I wait for the poop, I fear for the poop, and when it comes out normal I do a dance! The problem? Poop is a good indicator of a lot, but not the indicator of everything. We have seen no-so-good-poops that have been die off, been a one time thing, and those that have ended in full blown FPIES. The catch seems to be the stage of healing.

We have not seen a full blown FPIES reaction since we started the broth. I believe the reason is because we don't feed her foods that she could react to, and that her intestines have begun to heal. GAPS has taken the science behind food digestion and spelled it out in a path. Jump here - go there- try this, if not then that means try that. If she has trouble because of the fiber or the sugar content of a vegetable, we immediately pull it and know that means she is not ready. The problem is, sometimes things don't give a reaction and that does not mean she is ready for them. This is where the poop test fails me.

For example, a few days ago I let Ellie carry around a larabar. Much later I realized she had been sucking on it open, and who knows for how long. I took it away, and then waited. No reflux. No poop. But she woke up screaming from a nap and then wanted to be held for about an hour. After that, she was on with life. The next poo, no signs of a thing.

Another time she cheeked a few sunflower seeds in the shell, sucking and chewing them to death. No reaction. Not a single thing. And another, she ate a sticker. Nothing.

Before GAPS I would have done a dance and said how exciting that she could tolerate and have a new food and fed her sunflower seeds. Or wondered about the sticker adhesive and if she was doing better with corn. But what I now know is that it has everything to do with the stage of healing she is in, and that she is not ready to eat those things regardless of what her poo or anything else looks like. If she cant tolerate the fiber in onion, she most certainly can not tolerate the tough to digest sunflower seed. But what we can celebrate is that she has healed enough that these small exposures do not send her reeling into a full blown FPIES episode.

The longer Ellie has been on broth, the more amazed we are. Her little intestines were so severely damaged that she has been unable to tolerate any vegetables at all. She can handle boiled and skinned zucchini as long as the seeds are small, because it does not provide too much fiber for her system. Unless we put too much in her bottle, and then we see her struggle to digest it. But that is it. We have not been able to get onion or carrot or other squash in her without problems. And then came the egg yolk. (GAPS protocol states that in severe cases that no vegetables can be tolerated, raw egg yolk should be introduced slowly after doing a sensitivity skin test) Raw egg yolk starting very small, and now up to half a teaspoon in each bottle. Without it she has unhealthy poo, and with it she had her first normal poo that we ever have seen in her whole gosh darn life. Normal poo!

The egg yolk seems to have provided those remaining nutrients to pave the way for healing, just as promised. She enjoys daily or every other day normal looking stools. (yes I did say enjoy!) So next I went back to onion. To be sure that it was the fiber she had trouble with and not the onion itself, I boiled onion into her broth and then strained it out. She did fine with the new onion flavored broth! And now it is time to try something new again. So we move forward. Very slowly. Focused on healing and not re-damaging. Gentle foods, easy to digest foods, and allowing for time.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds very promising! So thankful for healing for her and for baby steps for all of you! Here's to healthy poop!


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