Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Drum Roll Please!

Ellie has a NEW FOOD! Thats right. After MONTHS of waiting for healing, Ellie is eating acorn squash!

Today is day two, and she has not had so much as an eczema flare or a burp!

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a vegetable to get us through the winter while zucchini is out of season, provide some variety, and give us hope that she is indeed progressing (acorn squash has a sugar content that zucchini does not have!).

I can not even begin to tell you the happy hallelujah dance we are doing in our home tonight!


  1. Hooray!!! Such a good one to add to the mix! Lots of vitamins and so much more FLAVOR than zucchini! Hooray!

  2. This is a happy post, and it still made me cry! Way to go Sawatzky family!!

  3. That is squash-tastic! You can do soooooooooo much with squash! Hooray mama and hooray big girl!!!

  4. A-MAY-ZING!!!! Praising the Lord with you guys!


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